Basolateral Endocytic Recycling Requires RAB-10 and AMPH-1 Mediated Recruitment of RAB-5 GAP TBC-2 to Endosomes

Basolateral Endocytic Recycling Requires RAB-10 and AMPH-1 Mediated Recruitment of RAB-5 GAP TBC-2 to Endosomes Liu O, Grant BD. Basolateral Endocytic Recycling Requires RAB-10 and AMPH-1 Mediated Recruitment of RAB-5 GAP TBC-2 to Endosomes. PLoS Genet. 2015;11(9):e1005514. Epub 20150922. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1005514. PubMed PMID: 26393361; PMCID: PMC4578947. [PubMed]